Customizable Views Enhance Portfolio Management
The positions within your account are crucial to your investment success. Having the capability to efficiently organize, track, and modify these positions is essential. Stocks pairs has designed an intuitive position trading platform that empowers you to manage your investments effortlessly, positioning us as one of the premier online trading brokers.
Interactive Viewing Features
*Our platform allows you to customize your viewing experience with simple drag-and-drop column features, making it quicker and more user-friendly.
*You can create a detailed overview of your portfolio’s total value, showcasing overall gains both in dollar amounts and percentages, along with daily performance insights.
Whether you prefer to analyze your account in intricate detail or gain a broader perspective, our platform offers the flexibility to suit your analytical needs.
Tailored Categorization of Investments
*You have the option to categorize your holdings into distinct groups such as stocks, mutual funds, and options, facilitating an easier review of your positions based on investment type.
*Additionally, our expand/collapse feature allows you to break down various lots of a specific stock, providing clearer visibility into cost basis and potential gains or losses. This personalized approach to categorization significantly enhances your portfolio management capabilities, enabling you to make informed investment decisions with confidence.